Key Elements Underlying Aikido

Keiko - Training in Aikido

The 3 forms of keiko (training) include Kihon, Yawarakai, and Ki no Nagare. 1. Kihon is rock solid, or diamond. One idea is if nage can deal with this, moving energy will make other forms even more manageable. 2. Yawarakai is flexible, like “flowing bamboo”. Not fast, but rhythmical. 3. Ki no Nagare is flowing,…

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Seiza & Zanshin

Bowing in at Aikido Class

When sitting in class (at the beginning, end, and during instruction), a student should sit in the Seiza position – this is a formal Japanese sitting posture. Some call this “sitting like a samurai” as you want to be focused and attentive. If this is not physically comfortable because of injury or limitation, cross-legged sitting…

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